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Hijab Colors to Avoid and Why: A Guide

warna hijab yang bikin wajah kusam

There's a rainbow of hijab hues to choose from, but we should pick one that brings out our natural beauty. No one wants their features to be lost in a sea of the wrong hijab color. So, which hijab colors should you avoid?

There are certain hues of hijab that should better be avoided because they tend to make the face appear lifeless.

Here's the list below.

5 Hijab Color To Be Avoided and Why

1. Bright Yellow

If you want your face to stand out and look healthy, you should probably avoid wearing a bright yellow hijab.

Color theory suggests that wearing a yellow shirt can make your face look duller by reflecting light. Avoid drawing unwanted attention to yourself by dressing subtly in neutral colors.

2. Pale White

While the white hijab is a closet staple for its versatility, you should be aware that there are many shades of white to choose from.

One can find white in many different shades, including ivory white, stark white, grayish white, and others. However, if you don't want your face to look lifeless and emaciated, you should stay away from pale white.

Why? Since most Indonesians have olive or brown skin, the stark contrast between their features and the neutral white color is too striking. 

3. Chili Red

A strikingly vivid hue, like that of red chili, can wash out a person's complexion. If you absolutely must wear this color, then a simple hijab model and some red lipstick will do the trick.

4. Aubergine

As part of the category of dark colors, aubergine-colored hijab can give the impression of a darker face in comparison to more neutral colors like black. Lighter or pastel shades of purple are better options.

5. Neon Colors

It's not always a good idea for Indonesian women to wear neon colors like bright green or pink because the stark contrast can make their faces look lifeless.

Put on some makeup if you're going to be out and about in a hijab of bright color. In addition, wear the hijab with bold, contrasting colors of clothing rather than black, white, or gray. 


To avoid making your face look dull and lifeless, choose hijab colors that complement your skin tone.