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Voal Hijab Care: 3 Easy Maintenance Techniques

cara merawat hijab voal

In recent years, the voal hijab has become enormously popular, making it an essential item for all hijabers. Its versatility for both informal and formal occasions makes it an essential wardrobe staple. Still pondering what the best method of voal hijab care?

Voal is a type of semi-sheer fabric that is typically woven from cotton or cotton-blend threads, such as polyester and linen. Because of its higher thread count compared to standard cotton fabrics, it feels as smooth as silk when touched. The voal hijab quickly became the go-to choice because of its lightweight and breathable design.

However, voal must be handled with care to prevent shrinkage and wrinkling. Follow these guidelines to keep your voal hijab in pristine condition.

How to Take Care of Your Voal Hijab in 3 Easy Steps

1. Handwashing is The Best Way to Care Voal Hijab

The voal fabric is very light and airy. When it comes to washing voile, there is no better or safer option than by hand. The use of a mild detergent formulated for delicate items and hand washing is recommended.

Put it in a sink full of soapy water, and swish it around with your hands a little to spread the soap around. Soak for as long as 30 minutes. Run the item under cool running water until the water is no longer soapy. Try not to wring it out.

The fabric can also be washed on a gentle cycle in the washing machine with cool water. You must wash them in cold water only.

2. Avoid Direct Sunlight When Drying

After washing, gently stretch it while it is still a little damp to get it back to its original length and width. Then let it dry. Hang voal hijab on a hanger and let it dry in the air. Stay away from direct sunlight, which can make the colors fade and damage the fibers.

3. Ironing a Voal Hijab With Care

Any cotton fabric will likely be destroyed by high temperatures during washing and ironing, It is recommended that you always iron a voal hijab on a low setting.

Use a press cloth to protect the fabric and gently press the iron on it. A steam iron on the lowest heat setting will also work.


You can feel beautiful and at ease in this fabric. Handle the voal hijab with care to ensure that its comfort lasts for as long as possible.